Optimizing Wealth Through Asset Re-Allocation

Optimizing Wealth Through Asset Re-Allocation

If you are an active investor, your investment holdings probably include many different asset classes. For many investors, diversification is a very important part of the wealth accumulation process to help manage risk and reduce volatility. Your investment portfolio might include stocks, bonds, equity funds, real estate and commodities. All these investment assets share a common characteristic – their yield is exposed to tax. From a taxation standpoint, investment assets fall into the following categories:


The income from these investments are taxed at the top rates. They include bonds, certificates of deposits, savings accounts, rents etc. Depending on the province, these investments may be taxed at rates of approximately 50% or more. (For example, Alberta 48.0%, BC 53.5%, Manitoba 50.4%, Ontario 53.53%, Nova Scotia 54.0%).


These investments are taxed at rates lower than those that are tax-adverse. These investments include those that generate a capital gain (stocks, equity funds, investment real estate, etc.), or pay dividends. The effective tax rate on capital gains varies depending on province from approximately 24% to 27%. For non-eligible dividends, the range is between approximately 37% to 49%.


Tax-deferred investments include those investments which are held in Registered Retirement Savings Plans or Registered Pension Plans (such as an Individual Pension Plan). One advantage of these investments is that the contribution is tax deductible in the year it was made. The disadvantage is that the income taken from these plans is tax-adverse as it is taxed as ordinary income and could attract top rates of income tax.

The growth in cash value life insurance policies such as Participating Whole Life and Universal Life is also tax-deferred in that until the funds are withdrawn in excess of their adjusted cost base while the insured is still alive, there is no reportable taxable income.


Very few investments are tax-free in Canada. Those that are tax-free include the gain in value of your principal residence, Tax-free Savings Accounts (TFSA’s) and the death benefit of a life insurance policy (including all growth in the cash value account).

While Canada is not the highest taxed country in the world (that distinction belongs to Belgium) it is certainly not the lowest. (According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Canada sits as the 23rd highest taxed country in the world). It is also true that in addition to the taxes Canadians pay while they are living, the final insult comes at death.

Generally speaking, you have three beneficiaries when you die. You have your family, your favourite charities, and the Canada Revenue Agency. They all take a slice of your estate pie. Most people would rather leave more to their family and charities than pay the CRA more than they need to.

As our estates grow, they include funds that we intend to leave to our children and possibly to charity. They also include funds we are likely never going to spend while we are alive.

The secret to optimizing the value of your wealth for the benefit of your estate is to reallocate those assets that you are never going to spend during your lifetime from investments that are tax-exposed to those that are tax-free.

One of the best ways to do this is through life insurance. As mentioned earlier, assets which are tax-free include the death benefit of a life insurance policy. Systematically transferring funds from the tax-exposed investments to, for example, a Participating Whole Life Policy, not only eliminates the reportable tax on the funds transferred, it greatly increases the overall size of the estate to be left tax-free to your beneficiaries – your family and your charities.

Case Study

Let’s consider Ron and Sharon, aged 58 and 56 respectively. They have been told that they have a liquidity need of approximately $1,000,000 which would become payable at the second death. They are also unhappy about the taxes they are paying annually on their investments. They elect to reallocate some of their assets to a Participating Whole Life policy for $1,000,000 last-to-die policy with premiums of $35,000 per year for 20 years.

Over this period, they will transfer a total of approximately $700,000 of investments exposed to income tax to a tax-free environment. If we assume that their life expectancy is 34 years, the Whole Life policy will have grown to a death benefit of approximately $2,630,000*. This represents a pre-tax equivalent yield over this period of approximately 11%. Not only is there more than enough to pay the tax bill but there are funds left over for the family and any charitable donation they wish the estate to make.

In addition, with the transfer from a taxable to tax-free investment, income taxes that would have been paid during their lifetime has also been reduced. Along the way, the Participating Whole Life policy has a growing cash value account which could be borrowed against should the need arise. At the 20th year for example, the cash value of the policy (at current dividend scale), would be approximately $1,071,000.

This case illustrates only one example of how it is possible to optimize the value of an estate through asset re-allocation. By using funds you are never going to spend during your lifetime, you can create a much larger legacy to benefit others while reducing the total cost of your tax bill.

If you would like to investigate this concept to determine the value it can provide you and your family, please be sure to contact me. As always, please feel free to share this information with anyone you think would find it of interest.

* Values shown are using Manulife’s Par 100 Participating Whole Life policy assuming the current dividend scale with premiums paid for 20 years.

Whole Life Insurance – A Whole New Asset Class

Whole Life Insurance – A Whole New Asset Class

The recent developments in investment markets and the volatile performance that has resulted have brought about a new appeal to an old workhorse. For investors looking for a diversification in their investment portfolio and a more tax-efficient fixed income investment alternative, a compelling argument can be made for the use of Whole Life Insurance.

Why is Whole Life Insurance a good investment?

  • The tax-advantaged steady growth, combined with significant estate benefits, are the primary reasons why Participating Whole Life is now being thought of as a new asset class.

  • Unlike other accumulation policies such as most Universal Life policies, mutual funds and other equity investments, the cash and dividend value of a Whole Life policy cannot decrease as long as premium payments are made.

Who should consider Whole Life Insurance as an investment alternative?

  • Anyone looking for stable returns on their investment portfolio.

  • For those that have corporations and are accumulating surplus, the use of Whole Life in the corporation not only provides the same stable, tax-deferred returns but also provides opportunities for Capital Dividend Account planning.

What Is Whole Life Insurance?

  • It is permanent life insurance protection – meaning it won’t expire before you do!

  • It has level guaranteed premiums for the life of the policy. (Shorter premium paying periods are often available.)

  • It has tax-advantaged cash value growth.

  • It can pay annual dividends (participating whole life).

  • Dividends can be taken in a number of different ways but the option most often selected to provide the maximum tax-advantaged growth is “paid-up additions.”

  • The assets of the participating pool are professionally managed and largely in fixed-income investments. Management fees are extremely low (some as low as 0.07% management fee), and the funds have very little volatility.

  • This combination of guaranteed cash value and the non-guaranteed portion from the dividend account grows tax-deferred. At death, it is paid to the beneficiary tax-free.

Can I access the cash value of the policy?

  • During the lifetime of the insured, the cash values can be accessed by way of partial or total surrender or policy loan.

  • Income tax may be payable on withdrawals. However, one alternative to avoid paying income tax is to use the policy as collateral and borrow from a third-party lender. And if structured properly, the interest on the loan may be tax-deductible.

Favourably compares to a long term, high yield bond

  • Today most portfolio managers recommend that a prudent investor have a diversified portfolio with a significant portion in fixed-income investments, such as bonds, term deposits, etc.

  • Many investment managers suggest one-third to 40% of an investment portfolio be in these types of investments for balanced growth.

Including participating whole life in your portfolio can produce some significant results and reduce overall volatility.

Whether investing as an individual or via a corporation, the significant results that can be achieved by using Participating Whole Life are worth investigating.

Connect with me if you think you would benefit from this strategy, and as always, please feel free to share this article with anyone you think would find it of interest.

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